Ecological Services

 Photograph by Ben Williams

Call: 01305 889855

We offer a professional ecological consultancy service in all aspects of Ecological survey and advice to make sure you stay on the right side of Wildlife Law and Planning Guidance. Abbas Ecology will stay with you for all stages of your project from planning permission, post-compliance including application of protected species mitigation licenses, from Ecological Clerk of Works to Management Plans and Monitoring.

Bat Surveys


Bat surveys start with a Preliminary Roost Assessment of a building(s) to look for signs but also suitable roost features. If these exist, we may need to conduct Roost Characterisation Surveys and plan mitigation work. We also carry out Nighttime Bat Walkovers to assess how a proposal may be used by bats.


If post-planning a bat mitigation license is required, we are licensed to apply for both full and low-impact licenses.

Preliminary Ecological Appraisal


The first request for ecological information following a planning application is often a basic site and species assessment. This usually involves conducting a UK Habitats Assessment which feeds into Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) calculations. This step is vital for guiding you through the planning process and beyond.


The PEAR report may highlight the need for additional work including specialist species surveys or botanical surveys, if no further surveys are required, we can produce an Ecological Impact Assessment at this stage.

Ecological Impact Assessments


With our expertise we are well placed to offer Ecological Impact Assessments to highlight and assess the likely effects on wildlife that may arise directly or indirectly from any proposal. We bring together all survey work conducted and link in arboriculture reports and landscape plans. Steps to mitigate the impacts are laid out for the client to review and enhancement actions to obtain the necessary 10% Biodiversity Net Gain for a proposal are explained.

Biodiversity Net Gain Calculation


Abbas Ecology will work with clients and landscape architects to create wildlife habitats on and off the proposal site that are measured using the QGIS mapping program to feed into the Statutory Biodiversity Net Gain Metric. This is checked by the LPA to ensure that the minimum 10% net gain is achieved.


Ecological Clerk of Works


During construction works we will work alongside any site managers to ensure that biodiversity features on a construction site are protected and engage/guide mitigation activities such as ecological watching briefs and translocation of protected species.


If protected species licenses are required, we can apply for these and ensure that the works happen within the conditions stipulated in the license. We will ensure that mitigation happens correctly and can be signed off to the LPA and if necessary Natural England.

Management Plans


Abbas Ecology can produce Habitat Management and Monitoring Plans (HMMPT) to guide the creation, enhancement and development of biodiverse areas alongside building, industrial or any other development project. These plans are designed to last for 30 years but we can guide you with setting up annual monitoring and five-yearly reviews.


We also produce ecology sections in Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMPs) and work alongside landscape architects to produce Landscape and Ecological Management Plans (LEMPs) to ensure that landscaping and ecology work together to produce the best outputs for your proposal.


Abbas Ecology can also input into or produce Shadow Habitat Regulation Assessments, to be finalised by the LPA and agreed with Natural England. We can also provide a simple management plan or advice for any habitat management project you might have.

"Abbas Ecology were very approachable, knowledgeable and very proactive. We would be happy to recommend them and would not hesitate to use them again"


Bill Bucker
Bayview Developments

© Copyright 2024 Abbas Ecology. All Rights Reserved.



We offer a professional ecological consultancy service in all aspects of Ecological survey and advice to make sure you stay on the right side of Wildlife Law and Planning Guidance. Abbas Ecology will stay with you for all stages of your project from planning permission, post-compliance including application of protected species mitigation licenses, from Ecological Clerk of Works to Management Plans and Monitoring.

Bat Surveys


Bat surveys start with a Preliminary Roost Assessment of a building(s) to look for signs but also suitable roost features. If these exist, we may need to conduct Roost Characterisation Surveys and plan mitigation work. We also carry out Nighttime Bat Walkovers to assess how a proposal may be used by bats.


If post-planning a bat mitigation license is required, we are licensed to apply for both full and low-impact licenses.

Preliminary Ecological Appraisal


The first request for ecological information following a planning application is often a basic site and species assessment. This usually involves conducting a UK Habitats Assessment which feeds into Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) calculations. This step is vital for guiding you through the planning process and beyond.


The PEAR report may highlight the need for additional work including specialist species surveys or botanical surveys, if no further surveys are required we can produce an Ecological Impact Assessment at this stage.

Ecological Impact Assessments


With our expertise we are well placed to offer Ecological Impact Assessments to highlight and assess the likely effects on wildlife that may arise directly or indirectly from any proposal. We bring together all survey work conducted and link in arboriculture reports and landscape plans. Steps to mitigate the impacts are laid out for the client to review and enhancement actions to obtain the necessary 10% Biodiversity Net Gain for a proposal are explained.

Biodiversity Net Gain Calculation


Abbas Ecology will work with clients and landscape architects to create wildlife habitats on and off the proposal site that are measured using the QGIS mapping program to feed into the Statutory Biodiversity Net Gain Metric. This is checked by the LPA to ensure that the minimum 10% net gain is achieved.

Ecological Clerk of Works


During construction works we will work alongside any site managers to ensure that biodiversity features on a construction site are protected and engage/guide mitigation activities such as ecological watching briefs and translocation of protected species.


If protected species licenses are required, we can apply for these and ensure that the works happen within the conditions stipulated in the license. We will ensure that mitigation happens correctly and can be signed off to the LPA and if necessary Natural England.

Management Plans


Abbas Ecology can produce Habitat Management and Monitoring Plans (HMMPT) to guide the creation, enhancement and development of biodiverse areas alongside building, industrial or any other development project. These plans are designed to last for 30 years but we can guide you with setting up annual monitoring and five-yearly reviews.


We also produce ecology sections in Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMPs) and work alongside landscape architects to produce Landscape and Ecological Management Plans (LEMPs) to ensure that landscaping and ecology work together to produce the best outputs for your proposal.


Abbas Ecology can also input into or produce Shadow Habitat Regulation Assessments, to be finalised by the LPA and agreed with Natural England. We can also provide a simple management plan or advice for any habitat management project you might have.

"Abbas Ecology were very approachable, knowledgeable and very proactive. We would be happy to recommend them and would

not hesitate to use

them again"


Bill Bucker
Bayview Developments